Foster Care
NYAP places youth in safe, temporary homes through various outlets to provide opportunities for growth and safety for all children and youth served.
When a family cannot care for their children and youth, NYAP provides secure, nurturing, and enriching foster care while the family works on their challenges. In foster care, the ultimate goal is for the family to overcome their challenges so their children and youth can be reunited with them. National Youth Advocacy Program recruits and trains highly skilled foster parents and dedicated employees who provide the necessary foster care parenting support, treatment, and care until children and youth can live with their families again.
Through a wide array of programs and services, NYAP supports children, youth, and their families throughout their foster care journey. Foster care focuses on strengthening family dynamics through frequent visitation, addressing the underlying challenges, and equipping families with the necessary skills and resources for successful reunification.
Featured Programs + Services:
Foster Care: provides community-based foster homes for children and youth who are temporarily unable to remain in their home.
Kinship Care: serves as a centralized service point of entry for kinship families, ensuring they receive the necessary support to promote safety, permanency, and the well-being of children and youth.
Respite Care: provides short term relief to the caregivers of children and youth to promote placement stability.
Community Based Emergency Stabilization Care (CB-ESC): provides comprehensive services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to youth living temporarily in foster care, and their primary family to support a positive reunification.