Parent Development

The Parent Development program is rooted in a deep abiding belief that children and youth are most successful living with their families, in the communities they call home. In alignment with this belief, NYAP’s Parent Development program focuses on developing the necessary strategies and skills from an individualized, strengths-based perspective.  Parent Development serves parents and caregivers who are at risk of becoming, or are currently, involved in child-serving systems or who have self-identified the need to enhance their parental skillset. In collaboration with persons served, we implement creative solutions to ensure family safety, address parenting challenges, and build nurturing parent/child relationships. 

Man with a prosthetic leg and beard holding a basketball, sitting outdoors with a boy in a white tank top playing, in a park setting with trees and a pavilion.

What are the goals?

Parent Development programming focuses on stabilizing the home by enhancing the ability of parents and caregivers. While Parent Development can act as a standalone parent education service, it is generally used as an adjunct to a primary treatment program. Parent Development is used to:    

  • Support parents in maintaining youth in the home with them 

  • Support reunification of children and youth with their families   

  • Enhance parenting skills   

  • Support parents in coping with youth with significant behavioral, mental health, or developmental challenges  

  • Support new or first-time parents  

  • Assist in successful completion of case plans 


What is the average length?

The length of services is typically two to four months, based on the assessed level of care.    

What services do we offer?

  • Parents complete a parenting assessment to identify areas of need    

  • Parents meet with their parenting coach 1-2 times per week and collaboratively work on a curriculum that has been individualized to their specific needs 

  • Community resource linkage  

  • Observations of parent-child visitations to help with coaching and skill-building  

  • Parent education   

  • Post-assessment to show progress and aid in completion of case plan 


Who is eligible?

Parent Development programming accepts referrals from contracted providers for parents of any age with children under the age of 18.  

Real estate agent shaking hands with a seated couple in a living room.