Family Resource Connection
+ Preservation Services

Our Family Resource Connection and Preservation Services are crucial short-term, family-focused services. They are designed to assist families by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping children safe. These services build upon the principle that many children can safely remain in their homes when their parents are provided with support services that empower them to make positive changes.

SCDSS plays a key role in our program, utilizing the Family Advocacy and Support Tool (FAST) to determine program eligibility and to measure growth after a family successfully engages with the service.

Providers will utilize Motivational Interviewing (MI) to assess further and provide targeted assistance and support services that will include but not be limited to; basic needs are met (e.g., electric bill, clothing, food.), parental education, and skill-building behavioral management (e.g., anger control), and substance use disorder support. The provider must ensure that all families and children referred to receive outreach, face-to-face contact, service assessment, home-based casework services, home visitation, and counseling services.

Goals of the Program

  • 80% of families who are appropriate for Family Resource Connection Services and engage in monthly sessions will successfully complete the service within 6 months.

  • 75% of families who successfully complete services will have decreased risk and safety concerns as measured by the FAST.

  • 75% of families who successfully complete services will remain in the home of origin.

  • 75% of families that complete services will maintain placement stability without a subsequent indicated case post discharge for 6 months.

  • 70% of families who successfully complete services will maintain placement stability without a subsequent indicated case post discharge for 1 year.

“Successfully complete services” is defined by DSS as the family actively engaging with the contractor and working toward completing the goals outlined in their service plan over an amount of time that cannot be less than 60 days.